
Showing posts from March, 2023

What Are The Best Ways To Protect Your Eyes from Digital Strain?

  In the digital world, where people are spending most of their time in front of a computer or mobile screen, it becomes very difficult to avoid digital strain. However, if you follow the following tips recommended by top-notch optometrists, at  Palm Desert Eye Care , not only will you be able to keep your digital eye strain at bay but also help you in keeping your eyes healthy in the long run. 20/20/20 Rule to the rescue  If there’s a practice that can immensely benefit your eyes, that’s the 20/20/20 rule. After 20 minutes of continuously staring at a screen, give your eyes a break and look at something 20 feet away from you for at least 20 seconds. Also, the best Eye Doctors Palm Desert recommend taking a break for 15 minutes after working straight for two hours on the computer. Don’t forget to blink your eyes  Do you know that on average you blink around 15-20 times each minute? However, when you sit in front of a screen for long periods, you tend to blink a lot less than usual. Le

Choose The Right Pair Of Sunglasses This Summer - 2023

Post-pandemic things have been changing for all of us, especially IT professionals. We all have been working from home, and it has been quite comfortable and liberal for our lunch breaks. Are you the kind of person who loves going out for lunch? Well, the sun is peeping and the temperature has risen. It is high time you should use sunglasses Palm Desert when you go out. This small piece of content will help you know which sunglasses to choose this summer. Five tips to choose the right pair of Sunglasses for Summer There are certain points one must consider when choosing sunglasses for summer. Check the features of sunglasses that you need to consider before purchasing one. 100 % UV Protection- You must check if your sunglasses have 100% UV/ UVB protection. The harmful rays from the scorching sun might affect eye health. Lens Quality Check- Check if the sunglass has a polarized lens as it reduces the glare that bounces off through teh reflective surfaces. Scratch resistance coating-