What Are The Best Ways To Protect Your Eyes from Digital Strain?

 In the digital world, where people are spending most of their time in front of a computer or mobile screen, it becomes very difficult to avoid digital strain. However, if you follow the following tips recommended by top-notch optometrists, at Palm Desert Eye Care, not only will you be able to keep your digital eye strain at bay but also help you in keeping your eyes healthy in the long run.

  • 20/20/20 Rule to the rescue 

If there’s a practice that can immensely benefit your eyes, that’s the 20/20/20 rule.

After 20 minutes of continuously staring at a screen, give your eyes a break and look at something 20 feet away from you for at least 20 seconds. Also, the best Eye Doctors Palm Desert recommend taking a break for 15 minutes after working straight for two hours on the computer.

  • Don’t forget to blink your eyes 

Do you know that on average you blink around 15-20 times each minute? However, when you sit in front of a screen for long periods, you tend to blink a lot less than usual. Less blinking is what leads to the symptoms of dry eye. That’s why you must blink more to avoid eye fatigue. 

  • Proper lighting is essential 

One of the leading causes of digital eye strain is bright light. It's important to note that too much and too little light can be harmful to the eyes. Experienced and certified Eye Doctor Palm Desert CA advises to never use a computer or laptop near a window. Also, ensure that your room’s lighting is optimum enough (not too bright or not too low) to not interfere with the comfort of your eyes.

 If your job requires you to work on a computer the whole day long, don’t worry. You can get prescription computer glasses from one of the most trusted eye clinics in Palm Desert-Acuity Optical. Visit today.


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