Visual Clarity Matters: A Guide To How Often You Should Update Your Glasses

Regularly updating your prescription is important for glasses wearers to ensure excellent vision. An updated glasses prescription will allow you to see the whole world clearly. In fact, there are some people who require a new prescription every year. On the other hand, only a few need a new prescription after every 2 to 3 years. In this blog, you will be going to learn the signs you should look for, so you will know when to visit the Eye Doctors Palm Desert and get a new prescription.

Discover the reasons behind updating your glasses prescription

Usually, eyeglass prescriptions are valid for around 1 to 2 years, depending on the eye doctor. Once the prescription expires, it becomes essential to visit the doctor; and get a new prescription. Eye specialists will deeply diagnose the eyesight and check for any vision changes. People must get new prescriptions if their vision has changed, or there are any problems with their present eyeglasses.

Tired eyes

When your eyeglass prescriptions are outdated, they have to work harder than usual. People try to focus on objects and this makes the eyes quite tired. People who have fatigued eyes must visit the Eye Doctor Palm Desert CA. A new prescription will reduce the stress on the eyes, eliminating tiredness.

Blurry vision

Are you experiencing blurry vision? It clearly shows that the prescription needs to be updated. People with poor blurry vision usually squint to bring objects into focus. Mostly blurry vision leads to headaches. Therefore, getting an updated prescription will help to fix this problem.

Glasses have scratches

It is easy to see out of the lenses when glasses are new. Over time, glasses can get scratched and take on other damage which makes it difficult to see things clearly. In case the prescription is no longer valid, people must visit the Eye Doctors to get a new prescription for fresh glasses.

Trouble with close-up vision

Many people get reading glasses when they get older. When the eyeglasses are on, people can easily see items that are up close. Of course, a new prescription is required when people can no longer see items up close. Once the prescription is updated, people will not have to move items away to see them.

Difficulty in cleaning the eyeglasses

Glasses usually have extras like scratch resistance as well as UV protection. The extra coating eventually breaks down. It makes it difficult to clean the glasses. With time, wearing glasses can cause issues with vision. That is why it is essential to replace glasses which are difficult to clean from time to time. 

Final Words:

If you think you require a new prescription, visit Acuity Optical soon. Signs which you require a new prescription include tired eyes, blurry vision, and the inability to see things close. In these situations, you probably need a new prescription for glasses. Are you experiencing any issues with your vision? Book an appointment with Eye Doctors today!


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