When Is The Right Time to Get Progressive Lenses?

As we age, many of us notice our vision changing in small ways like difficulty focusing on screens or books. These subtle signs often indicate it's time to consider progressive or no-line bifocals. However, there is a question asked by many when exactly should you book an exam with our talented optometrist Palm Desert at Acuity Optical? Here are a few guidelines on the optimal timing for adopting these lens styles.

  • Mid-40s: Many individuals first experience presbyopia, around this life stage. This natural hardening of the eye's lens makes reading somewhat strained and holding devices farther away helps. While monovision contacts or single-vision readers may suffice short-term, progressives provide full-time clarity.

  • Computer Usage: Spending significant daily hours in front of digital screens or documents accelerates presbyopia symptoms. Our eyewear Palm Desert experts can fit you for progressive lenses made for your specific device viewing distances to avoid neck strain.

  • Hobbies and Activities: Struggling with close work like sewing, coin collecting, or playing music may indicate the time has come to upgrade from readers. Progressives ensure crisp focus wherever you need it while enjoying your hobbies.

  • Change in Vision:  Our experts conduct an eye exam to check if your eyes’ flexible accommodating ability is waning. If yes, it remarks that your near prescription is evolving more frequently. Progressives can eliminate such disruptive changes.

  • Lifestyle Changes: Having a new baby, going back to school, or starting a job with demands on close work are also some considerable events. Such happenings impact lifestyle & prompt you to get fitted for progressives by our experienced optometrist.

  • Annual Exams: Routinely every 1-2 years after age 40, our comprehensive eye health assessments can reveal if adjustments are advised. Early intervention helps maximize progressive lens benefits over time.


Progressive lenses provide excellent all-distance vision as presbyopia evolves. While some adapt sooner, the mid-40s marks the average stage to consider them.  Our team of eyewear professionals examines your eyes thoroughly to suggest what’s best for you. We will guide you toward the most suitable lens options based on prescriptions, activities, and budget. With the right progressive lens selection, you can always enjoy clear sight wherever life leads. Schedule your consultation with our experts at Acuity Optical today. 


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