Facts About Retinopathy Of Prematurity: What Parents Should Know

Retinopathy of Prematurity can become a worrisome condition for parents of young infants.  and are committed to addressing any questions or concerns. Our primary goals at Acuity Optical have been to raise awareness about various eye-concerning situations and ensure timely treatment. 

Our team of certified eye doctors Palm Desert have extensive experience in diagnosing and managing ROP. We stay committed to addressing any questions or concerns,  giving these little patients the best chance at healthy vision development. We also encourage scheduling your baby's comprehensive eye exam with our best pediatric eye doctor Palm Desert CA.

What is ROP?

ROP arises when the retinal blood vessels in the eyes of very preterm newborns expand abnormally as a result of inadequate development. This exposes the retina to excess oxygen, placing newborns in danger of blindness if not treated soon.

Risk Factors

Some of the elements that may contribute to the development of this illness include: 

  • Babies born before 31 weeks of pregnancy or weighing less than 4 pounds

  • Premature infants who underwent oxygen treatment

  • Male newborns and those born with a low birth weight have a slightly increased risk.


ROP itself causes no symptoms. However, progression to advanced stages can result in:

  • White pupil color (leukocoria)

  • Eye turns inward or outward

  • Poor vision

Diagnosis and Staging

Our experienced eye doctors perform comprehensive infant eye examinations with special equipment, checking the dilation and appearance of retinal vessels. Staging classifies ROP severity from 1 (least severe) to 5 (most severe).


Although mild instances may resolve on their own, we continue to closely watch these infants. Advanced ROP may necessitate immediate therapies such as laser therapy or anti-VEGF injections to promote healthy retinal growth and prevent consequences.

Healing Support After Treatment

Following any necessary ROP treatment, we instruct parents on proper placement, eye patching schedules, and warning signals of recurrence. Our experts do not stop working until the infants get the greatest potential visual results by means of recovery.

Screening Guidelines

All newborns born under 31 weeks or weighing less than 3.3 pounds have retinal tests beginning 4-6 weeks after birth, followed by serial exams until full vascularization. Contact our professional eye doctor with any child's screening findings to confirm any recommendations for treatment, if necessary.

Ending Words

Parents, with the help of our eye care specialists, play an important role in establishing healthy visual practices and quality pediatric care for children who have ROP. 

Acuity Optical's renowned eye Doctors are always ready to answer any queries, put parents at rest, and arrange highly specialized treatment for children with ROP. We can all work together to help them envision brighter days ahead.


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