How Physical Activity Can Lay The Foundation Of Better Eyesight In Children

A few decades ago, the prevalence of myopia in children was seen as an uncommon phenomenon. Ophthalmologist Palm Desert professionals suggest that it is due to the increased screen time and sedentary lifestyle that more children nowadays need glasses. Herein, let us have a look at how you can safeguard your kid’s eyesight by encouraging regular daily exercise.

  • An active lifestyle and the reduced risk of refractive errors

According to a practicing Optometrist Palm Desert Specialist, children who spend a satisfactory amount of time every week participating in sports or other outdoor activities are less likely to suffer from refractive errors such as myopia and other eye conditions such as lazy eye, astigmatism, etc. The reason for this is that when kids indulge in outdoor exercises, they are more exposed to natural light and are completely away from harmful blue light exposure from screens. This indirectly reduced screen time is attributed to being one of the primary factors that helps keep the eyes of children healthy. While focusing their eyes throughout the day on books, phones, etc. strains the eyes a lot, exercise provides the needed comfort to the eye muscles, allowing them to heal naturally and rejuvenate from daily stresses.


  • The relationship between exercise and the prevention of chronic disease and, thus, better eye health

Walking or cycling for at least 60 minutes daily is associated with a reduced likelihood of obesity in children. Children who are active and physically fit will never have to face obesity-related health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, etc. Note that these chronic health disorders are one of the biggest culprits of many retinal eye problems, like diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, etc.

Thus, if your kid is physically active enough, he or she will have very little chance of suffering from such vision-threatening eye diseases.

In the end

Do you want the apple of your eye to enjoy excellent visual acuity throughout life? Rely on Acuity Optical, one of the most trusted eye care facilities in the region. The Ophthalmologist team here has undergone extensive training and possesses multiple years of experience catering to pediatric as well as adult eye care needs. Get in touch to schedule a consultation today.



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