Quit Smoking To Enjoy A Lifelong Healthy Vision

Among the many reasons to quit smoking, one highly significant one is related to your eyesight. With a huge number of people including youth getting addicted to smoking nowadays, Palm Desert Eye Care experts suggest that there is a dire need to address the issue promptly. If you or any of your friends or family members is a regular smoker, beware of the gradual development of eye diseases. Let us have a quick look at some of the top benefits of breaking the habit of smoking for your eyes. 

  • Protect yourself from a host of eye conditions

A majority of people are aware that smoking affects our heart functioning and lungs. However, did you know that smoking equally affects your eyesight? A firm resolve to kick the smoking addiction can save you from so many eye disorders, remarks seasoned Optometrist Palm Desert specialist.  Cataracts, glaucoma, uveitis, dry eye syndrome, diabetic retinopathy, thyroid eye disorder, AMD (age-related macular degeneration), you name it, there is no eye condition that cannot be prevented by ditching cigarettes entirely. 

  • Staying smoke-free during pregnancy can benefit both the mother and the child

Although smoking must be avoided under all circumstances, for pregnant women this is a must. The reason is that smoking can increase the chances of you and your baby suffering from many vision-related complications as well as eye infections. What is even more alarming is that smoking can lead to premature birth which can further expose your child to a higher risk of developing serious retinal diseases.

In The End

Want to receive personalized guidance on how you can quit smoking completely to safeguard your vision health? Visit Acuity Optical. Not just smoking, the eye care professionals here will keep you informed about other detrimental habits for your eyes, so you can enjoy crystal clear eyesight for years to come. Reserve your appointment today.


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