Routine Eye Exams - Diagnosing Asymptomatic Conditions

Routine eye exams play a key role in detecting potentially serious eye diseases and conditions before symptoms appear. At our eye care practice, Acuity Optical, we conduct comprehensive eye exams beyond simply checking vision. We are your reliable providers of Palm Desert Eye Care. We take the time with each patient to perform a full medical evaluation of the eyes and surrounding structures.

Our team of the best eye doctors is highly trained to identify even subtle signs of eye diseases and general health issues. We utilize the latest diagnostic technology and perform a variety of tests during each routine exam. We can even diagnose conditions often presenting no outward symptoms, also known as asymptomatic conditions. Here is an overview of some of the important tests and assessments included in an eye exam.

Visual Acuity Testing

Visual acuity refers to the clarity of vision and the capacity to see little details. We assess both close and distant visual understanding to look for changes since your last exam or the development of conditions such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. Significant changes may suggest an underlying issue.

Pupil Evaluation

The pupils are evaluated for size, shape, light response, and any anomalies. Unequal, slow, or irregular pupils may indicate diabetes, brain tumors, or neurological disorders.

Eye Pressure Measurement

We test intraocular pressure using non-invasive methods. High pressure can be an early warning sign of glaucoma, even before visual loss develops. Catching it enables us to start medical care and avoid additional damage.

Examination of Ocular Structures

Our eye care team employs slit lamp bio microscopy to thoroughly examine the front of the eye, including the cornea, iris, lens, and anterior chamber. We are searching for indications of infection, inflammation, cataracts, or other problems. We also examine the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels in the rear of the eye.

Dilated Eye Exam

We use medicated eye drops to dilate the retina, optic nerve, and posterior structures so that we can get a better image. Our eye doctors Palm Desert use such techniques to ensure more of the retina is visible clearly. Dilation helps identify disorders such as diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, and macular degeneration.

Additional Tests as Needed

Depending on risk factors and exam findings, we may additionally undertake tests such as visual field analysis to assess peripheral vision, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) for thorough retinal imaging or tonometry to monitor glaucoma suspicions. These modern tests offer useful information for early diagnosis and treatment.


As your provider of excellent eye care solutions, Acuity Optical takes a thorough, comprehensive approach to eye health and medical management. Our goal is to protect your vision now and into the future. If you're due for an exam or have any vision changes, contact our facility for an appointment. 


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