The Link Between Dry Eyes And The Spring

The flowering season is almost here, and it's the perfect time for every outdoor enthusiast. However, this is also the time when dry eye sufferers are likely to experience aggravation of their symptoms. According to Palm Desert Eye Care experts, there is a direct link between springtime and dry eyes. Let’s learn about this in detail.

  • The major causes of dry eyes during spring

  1. Low moisture levels 

Low humidity levels are a common feature of the spring, which can easily exasperate dry eye syndrome in patients who are already suffering from it.

  1. Increased allergen count 

The concentration of allergens such as pollen, pet hair, mold, etc. is at its peak in the spring. Exposure to them can lead to various issues, including dryness in the eyes, says an experienced eye care specialist.

  1. Intensified UV exposure 

With the arrival of spring comes a heightened risk of sun damage. Since the sun is brighter and warmer in this season, the rate of tear evaporation also increases, thus causing trouble for dry eye patients.

  • What can you do for prevention?

  1. Make sure you use air purifiers at home.

  2. Wear UV-400-labelled sunglasses whenever you venture outdoors. 

  3. Using humidifiers at home can also be extremely beneficial for maintaining optimum moisture levels in the atmosphere.

  4. Ensure you are sufficiently hydrated.

  5. If your work requires you to sit in front of a screen for 7-8 hours at a stretch, remember to take regular breaks frequently.

To Conclude

Acuity Optical is here to be your eye care partner for life. By relying on our team of Eye Doctors Palm Desert, you can get prompt dry eye relief. Whether it is dry eye or any other seasonal eye condition related to spring, feel free to walk into our clinic and receive the highest quality care in a friendly environment. Book your visit today.


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