Understanding Computer Vision Syndrome: Answering The Top FAQs

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is becoming more prevalent in this modern age. Irrespective of whether you are already suffering from it or suspect you might, it's important to understand this eye disorder properly. Herein, we will have a glance at the most frequently asked questions about CVS and their answers provided by certified Palm Desert Eye Care Experts.

  • How do I know if I am at risk?

If you are someone who devotes a significant portion of the day to just working in front of the computer screen or any other digital device, then you are more likely to develop digital eye fatigue. Whether it's a child or an adult, CVS can affect anyone with prolonged screen hours.

  • What symptoms accompany CVS?

According to seasoned eye care doctors, the following are the most common signs that indicate you may have screen syndrome:

  • Increased eye strain 

  • Headache 

  • The feeling of dryness in the eyes

  • Experiencing a burning sensation in the eyes

  • Blurry vision

  • Discomfort in the neck or shoulders

  • What can I do to get relief?


Here are the best things you can do to find relief:


  • While using a computer or mobile device, make sure you maintain a considerable distance from the screens.

  • After every 20 minutes of usage, look up at anything 20 feet away for just 20 seconds or more. This will be beneficial for preserving your eye comfort.

  • Follow a healthy diet and sleep schedule. Also, exercise regularly.

  • Consult your optometrist for guidance; they will recommend the best-quality computer glasses and over-the-counter treatment too, if needed.

  • Can I wear computer eyewear even if I don’t have any issues currently?

Yes, absolutely. This will not only safeguard your eyes from the negative effects of excessive screen time but will also elevate your overall comfort level, focus, and productivity.


Let’s wrap up 

Acuity Optical is here to help you with all of your computer vision problems. Our team at Eye Doctors Palm Desert specializes in providing the optimum solutions for all types of modern-day eye concerns. Get in touch with our staff at 760.437.9980 to schedule your visit right away.


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